What Travis had to say about Karli Health Centre and Leesa:

I found Karli’s website quite by accident after my Physiotherapist recommended I try yoga to improve both my strength and flexibility after suffering a traumatic injury (c2-c3 incomplete quadriplegic).  Karli Health is a very professionally run organisation and they provided me with customised therapy to suit my needs and enable me to get the most out of their services provided.

I started my yoga journey in March 2020 and am really pleased with both my teacher and also the results being improved strength, much better balance and greater flexibility, this has translated into a much better quality of life for me and also enabled me to improve my walking and even get back to running.

I would highly recommend trying Karli Health’s yoga services for anyone who has experienced nerve damage, muscle weakness or balance issues.

I really enjoy my weekly session with Leesa; each week we progress and build on areas of weakness and mobility.  Leesa brings an amazing positivity and intuitiveness to our sessions and we focus on trying to improve my movement and flexibility over time.  Quite often Leesa  will work to incorporate aspects of exercises my physiotherapist has set.  This continued focus on bettering my movement has resulted in great benefits to my physical and mental health.

What Paul Bartlett had to say about Karli Health Centre:

You’re the only Deaf mental health service provider in Australia. The others I have come across are psychologists or counsellors that offer only service and they are excellent, but you are the only one I am aware of that offers a range of preventive and responsive mental health services, and that is really great to know.

I have identified lots of gaps in services for deaf people here in Australia, for mental health and neurodiversity so I would like to see the Karli Health Centre expand and take on supports for ASD, ADHD etc.  We need them so badly here in Australia. And yes I do love working with you as I think you offer an excellent service!

What Anonymous had to say about counselling with Karli:

I really appreciate the time and effort you have taken to help me. You have gone above and beyond what I asked for so thank you very much indeed.

What Anonymous had to say about counselling with Karli:

I want to say something about Karli when I had her for her professional counselling session. I found her to be approachable and easy to talk with because of her total communication. She has had virtually my mental health issue fixed. Well done Karli.

What Anonymous had to say about KHC & counselling with Irene:

I was very happy with your services and pleased that there was a deaf friendly service available for counselling. It definitely made a difference talking to Irene as I felt she understood my struggles and she was a great listener and offered advice on how to manage.

What an Anonymous professional had to say about the KHC Deaf Support Group:

Our client had a great time at the morning tea, safe to say he values the time with the new friends he has made. As a personal reflection, it’s really lovely to see our client connect with other people – particularly those who sign – in a more natural/unpaid (for lack of a better word) capacity … not something he gets many opportunities to do.

What Anonymous had to say about Simon Beasley:

Thanks to assistant therapist, Simon, for enabling my taking the step forward, however small the step may seem to non-informed people out there in the Deaf community & wider society, for me it was excruciating painful & paralytic fear for days. What was surprising is that I was preparing mentally ahead using Simon’s strategies learnt over the months via Zoom sessions and focus on calming my well-being (sensory motors responses … noticing these and applying breathing & assuring myself a few times throughout the day leading up to last night’s webinar) and surprising to say I was feeling relatively ok, comfortable & calm joining throughout the webinar. As an afterthought, I was feeling positively elevated & nice, pleasing feelings of mind & body. I’m so happy & glad. I can sense & see minor progresses made, slowly, slowly but that’s okay, it’s the small positive change in me which I value as important key developments.

What a Support Coordinator had to say about services from Karli Health Centre:

Thank you for the support you’re giving [our client] – he’s finally starting to accept it! It is making a difference in his life and means the world to me to see him inching toward a better state of wellness.

What Michele had to say about online yoga:

You’ll be happy to know that I have found online Yoga … and Savasana is now my favourite part of the day. I can even stay in plank or all fours without my wrists hurting and I can do resting child’s pose … Thank You, Karli for introducing me to the magical world of Yoga” …. for opening up a world of relaxation – you know I needed it – lol’.

What a Support Worker had to say about Karli:

I want to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for all the support you have provided this year as crises arose. It took years to accomplish but I’m so glad you were there to help this year and to finally be able to get him started on the process of recovery. Thank you for all your hard work!

What Anonymous had to say about Karli Health Centre’s online Deaf Women’s Recovery Program:

I have been joined “The Deaf Women’s Recovery Program” that has helpful me to have easy deaf-friendly, understanding each other to supportive with this difficulties time of domestic violence or others support needs and there no other support group out there for deaf community which Berry Street had found “Karli Health Centre” and I was refer to Karli and she put me in the group which I feel alots better to communicate in same Auslan and I have been with hearing support group also using my NDIS funding for Auslan interpreters which not enough to cover this and I find hard to catch up that everyone talk too fast etc… I was lost without support that I need until I joined the Deaf Women’s Recovery group kindly thank you to Karli for setting this up.

What Anonymous (Deaf participant) had to say about the Healthy Relationships Course facilitated by Debra Swann:

About their [hearing partner of deaf client] actually enjoyed it! Still is shy. I think seeing another couple, one deaf and one hearing actually help … as we see a similar [couple] and it’s good for [hearing partner] to see that I’m not the only one with the feeling and issues as the other deaf clients felt the same.

What Tash – NDIS Support Coordinator – had to say about Karli Health Centre’s counselling services:

I always hear great feedback about your service and how much easier it is to communicate directly with their counsellor!!

What Anonymous had to say about working with Leesa Selwyn, Movement & Mindfulness Therapy Assistant:

The [movement and mindfulness therapy] sessions are great. I’d be keen to continue this year through with Leesa and then would love to give group yoga a go for the Auslan social aspect next year. I have just completed level 3 Auslan at Expression. Loved it.

I’m finding the session great for my stress and practicing Auslan with Leesa at the start and end of the session is excellent too. Leesa is a very generous teacher and always asks how I am feeling in my body, whether I can give it my all or if I need a calming session.

What Ginny had to say about Leesa Selwyn, Movement & Mindfulness Therapy Assistant:

I am really enjoying the sessions with Leesa and I can see and feel that it is having a really positive effect on my health both body and mind. My balance is improving and I feel like my chest is opening up and because of the focus on breath within the sessions I can feel the benefit of improved breathing on my well being.  This is the first time that I have been able to do yoga as I don’t have to have my eyes closed or not be able to see the instructor. I have a remote speaker near me and whilst I don’t always hear everything I can pick up what Leesa is doing and she is very observant and corrects me and repeats anything I don’t follow. Leesa is a fantastic teacher and I really think she is a great fit for me.

What Andrew had to say about Karli Dettman, yoga teacher:

“Inspiration” is the first word that I hear when I think of you. Like a breath of fresh air in the holiest of lands you infuse a room with you magnificent energy. Your Light is great, your heart radiant, you mind sharp, and your intentions altruistic! Your eyes ooze with such love, warmth and brilliance and they speak of kindness, caring and integrity. Your incredible skill of articulation is a special gift indeed and you have such a special way with words that it was such a delight to hear their enormous Power. Do you hear the voice of the Divine as clearly as I hear you … does the God and Goddess speak to you in signs and signals of this physical world. Just listen … listen … listen deep inside your heart and know that when we pray we are asking and God is listening. When we mediate God is asking and we are listening. Take with you the Art of Completion and Embrace your path for humanity. I know you will, for you are such a magnificent soul. I Thank you dear Karli, for being my teacher and for reminding me that no matter what life gives us we can always make the best of it, if we can view if with different eyes and always listen with our third ear. You are my inspiration. I thank you, I honour you … Namaste

What Anonymous had to say about Kate Chivers, psychologist:

Kate has been a great help especially with the challenges that we have had with our [Deaf, aged 9 years] son.  We are appreciative of her support and don’t know where we would be without her!