It is the explicit policy of the Karli Health Centre that all staff, client and customer information is strictly confidential and that the Centre and all of its directors, staff, contractors and volunteers must comply with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Act (1988).

This includes, but is not limited to, information such as:

  • personal details (e.g.  name, address, email address, phone number, bank or payment details)
  • content of therapeutic work
  • any information provided to Karli Health Centre by another provider, for example a GP

The only exceptions to this policy are:

  • legal requirements for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and/or neglect,
  • if Karli Health Centre staff have concerns that a client is at imminent risk of harm to him/herself or others, or
  • if Karli Health Centre is compelled by a Court of Law via a subpoena to disclose information

Clients of Karli Health Centre who believe that the above Privacy Policy has been breached can take appropriate action as outlined in the Karli Health Centre Grievance Policy and Procedure.

Any individual who is found to have breached this policy may be disciplined by Karli Health Centre and, depending upon a range of factors including seriousness of the breach, may have their relationship with the Centre terminated.