Online Group Therapy

In this time with the Covid-19 virus, online groups have become very popular and are an effective way to include people confronting similar issues, but who live too far away to come together in a face-to-face group.  To watch a video in Auslan about online group therapy, click here.

Currently, Karli Health Centre is running online groups in the following areas:

    • Online Movement and Mindfulness (runs for six weeks, several times per year)
    • Online Deaf Cafe for Deaf women (fortnightly, Friday at 3.30 p.m.)
    • Peer Support Group (fortnightly, Wednesday at 7.00 p.m. – alcohol and substance abuse) – see more
    • Support Group (face-to-face; Tuesdays at 11.00 a.m.) – currently suspended due to lockdown

Groups need a minimum of six participants to proceed, so please let us know if you are interested!  Contact us to express interest in joining or to find out more …

Deaf Group Therapy

In brief:

  • run by therapists who are fluent in Auslan and who have extensive experience working with Deaf and hard of hearing people
  • NDIS funding can be used for group therapy
  • Groups can be at our Blackburn office or another location
  • Group therapy is in Auslan (no interpreter)
  • Contact us to find out more

What Does Group Therapy Mean?

In group therapy, a small number of people work together with a therapist. In Karli Health Centre’s groups, everyone is Deaf and the language used is Auslan.

Why Have Group Therapy?

Sometimes people find it useful to work together as a group because they can learn from each other as well as from the therapist. Skills that can be learned in our supportive group environment include:

  • communication and language skills
  • empathetic skills (understanding how others feel)
  • vocabulary about feelings (understanding your feelings and how to talk about them)
  • negotiation and interpersonal skills (how to get along with other people)

Why is Having Group Therapy in Auslan Important?

Most people who go to group therapy go to a group where their primary language is used. This is because it is how they feel most comfortable. Deaf people are the same. They are more comfortable and can engage more successfully when the group is held entirely in Auslan, not Auslan interpreted from English.